Summer Food Program

Below you will find the sites, dates and times / A continuación encontrará los sitios, fechas y horarios:
🍎Hidalgo Elementary School: June 3rd - June 27th
🍇Hidalgo Park Elementary School: June 3rd - Aug 1st
🍊HECHS: June 3rd - Aug 1st
🍉Granjeno Community Center: June 3rd - Aug 1st
🫐Hidalgo Public Library: June 3rd - June 27th
🥦Su Casa de Esperanza: June 17th - June 27th
🍍Creative Arts Studio (Hidalgo): June 17th - Aug 1st
🥑Creative Arts Studio (Shary): June 17th - Aug 1st
🍓Creative Arts Studio (San Juan): June 17th - Aug 1st